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how to counter E.M.M.I consistently
How To Counter An E.M.M.I - Metroid Dread
How to Parry E.M.M.I. (and why you SHOULDN'T do it) | Metroid Dread
How to Counter An E.M.M.I In Metroid Dread
How to defeat EVERY E.M.M.I QUICKLY & EASILY || Detailed Speedrun Explanation
Countering an E.M.M.I THREE times in a row — Metroid Dread
"Countering the EMMI is virtually impossible" (Metroid Dread)
How To Counter An EMMI In Metroid Dread
Countering White EMMI Saves 3 Seconds [Comparison]
Metroid Dread - Blue E.M.M.I. Counter Kill
Attempting To Master The E.M.M.I. Counter In Metroid Dread
9 E.M.M.I. counters in a row in Metroid Dread